Stem process memory

We plant a stem zygote. When it matures it starts seeding some transitional processes, which look like the stem process: f [state[i, j], set point = 25]. They are undifferentiated (isolated). From now onwards  proliferon behavior is driven by demand. Depending on the type of demand the stem process  initiates differentiation in some processes. The stem process itself remains isolated and does not differentiate.  The potential differentiation patterns, or solutions, are implemented  in its structure. Like the basic solution set.

Two transformations , change state, and  injury, enable the stem process to generate many differentiation patterns, all of which are solutions. Additionally the  change state transformation protects it from chaos. Differentiation of a process is defined as follows:

process[j, i+1] =                     f[state[j, i], set point, rule[#], age].

(Compare with  f[state[j, i], rule[#], age]  (*ca61. In the ongoing experiments death occurs when age = 0 and rule[#] = 600. The formula may therefore be simplified:

process[j, i+1] =                     f[state[j, i], set point].


change state[j, i+1, k] =        f[state[j = 1, k]
injury[j, i+1, k] =                   f[state[j = 1, k], extent, color]

Differentiation[j, i+1, k] =    f[process[j, i+1], change state[j, i+1, k], injury[j, i+1,k]].

i : the state of a receptive  process
j : process numbering (stem process is marked by j = 1)
k : state of an activator process.  For j = 1, k: 1 - 46
set point: 1 - 25
extent:     1 – n
color:      0 – 2

The 46 states of the stem process may be regarded as a memory from which  the entire solution set can be generated. Each state is actually an initial state for the unfolding solutions. Let’s define a solution generator (SG), closely related with Differentiation[j, i+1, k] :

SG[j = 1, state[k], state[m], set point, extent, color, rule = 600] (SG stands for solution generator)

j = 1: stem process.
k : stem process state which is copied. k: 1 – 46
m: stem process state which initiates injury. m: 1 - 46
set point: 1 - 25
extent:     1 – n
color:      0 – 2

SG generates the entire solutions set of the proliferon. 
Initial conditions: zygote =  process[j =1, i= 1, set point = 25, rule = 600, age = 1]  = 1;  (the other parameters are not relevant).

In other words, Differentiation[j, i+1, k] has two interpretations:
1. It generates processes.
2. It is a reading device  and  serves as memory output. It reads the stem process memory, and the processes indicate what was inscribed  in it.

Three  remarks:

1. Transformations are initiated only by the stem process.
2. Transient processes do not interact. They spill their resources into the environment. Interacting processes are depicted in Three CA solution.
3. The demand for resources determines which solutions will be generated. No demand no solutions. The initial undifferentiated process set described above, process[j, i, set point = 25] does not interact. In order to interact with other processes it has to fulfill two requirements: 1. set point < 25, and 2. Resources have to be delivered to other processes.
