Mutual stimulation

This experiment explores means to enhance tolerance (resources) accumulation. The parameters are set as before:
delivery activation: [state[1, set point = p[1] - 0.1, state[0,43]];
delivery: [2,1, While[p[1] > set point], 2];

Both CA mutually augment their states:

If[ p[1] > p[2], augment state: [state[2,i+1] += state[1, i]] 
If[ p[2] > p[1], augment state: [state[1,i+1] += state[2, i]]

Their growth is uncontrolled:

Their mutual stimulation may be curbed with the following functions:
change state: [state[1, i+1] = state[0. 1], state[0, 1]];
change state: [state[2, i+1] = state[0. 1], state[0, 1]];

Despite their resemblance, they are not exactly the same.
