Interim Summary

A CA is specified by the following formula: f[state[j, 1], rule[#], max age]
state [ j, i]:
j : another CA
i : present
rule [#] :
Is totalistic (k=3, r=1), and its numbering (#) is given in Wolfram's book.
max age : Age at death

f[state[j, 1], rule[#], max age] = 1 Initialization  

f[state[j, i], rule[#], max age] =
f[state[j, i - 1], rule[#], max age]

Normal growth  
f[state[j, i], rule[#], max age] =
f[state[j - 1, i - 1], rule[#], max age]
CA-2 sets the state of CA-1  
f[state[j, i], rule[#], max age] =
f[state[j, i - 1], state[j - 1, i - 1], max age]
CA-2 sets the rule of CA-1 Evolution
f[state[j, i], rule[#], max age] =
f[state[j, i - 1], rule[#], state[j - 1, i - 1]]
CA-2 sets the age at death Environmrnt


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