
Biological age ( chapters: 11, 12, 57) has several interpretations. The present experiment highlights  its relationship with health . The two CA below have the same appearance (somatic structure), yet their age structures are different. Below are their age distributions as the experiment starts.

Next, we  set max age = 170. While CA-1 does not change, CA-2 differentiates. As the ages of its cells  cross max age,  they are set to zero (white). CA structure changes, and it differentiates.


Previously health was  defined as performance of an injured system.  Cell production was taken as health indicator. The more cells a CA produces, the healthier it is. An isolated CA like the two above,  does not reveal its health, only its response to a challenge reveals how healthy it is. An isolated CA is also the least differentiated . The two CA depicted above vary only in  their age structure. As both age, CA-2 will reach max age sooner than CA-1. It will differentiate sooner, and  produce more cells, than CA-1 The sooner a CA reaches max age the healthier it is.

Throughput of a CA (process) depends on two factors: Age and max age. The first is intrinsic to the CA (process) and the second is set by other  CA (processes) and may be regarded also as demand. A CA thrives to maximize its throughput. Since max age is determined externally, CA thrives to maximize its age (health)

We may now rephrase the four causes of change as follows:

1. Material cause:  CA structure, and age
2. Formal cause:  Its rule  (context).
3. Efficient cause: Perturbation (injury) (demand)
4. Final cause: Optimality (maximize health (throughput))


When  our organism is infected by  a microbe, it  mobilizes its defense (immune system) and attempts to eliminate it. The sooner it responds, the more favorable is the outcome. When infected again, previous experience, enables the organism to respond faster (higher throughput). These two kinds of response are known as primary (innate)  and secondary (acquired) immunity. An organism equipped with secondary immunity, is healthier than that which lacks  experience how to deal with a particular microbe.

This reasoning applies to all processes in the body  Throughput is proportional to process health, which is represented by age.  The older an isolated  CA,  the more abundant its resources. Yet resources may be depleted during interaction  and its age velocity declines

Further reading:
Microbial Resistance and WOB

zygote -> effect[1, 1000]; go[63]; zygote -> effect[2, 1000]; go[209];  restoreparams;  age[[no]] +=  a[[no]];   effect[no, 170];  go[100];
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