Interim summary - Update

As the present project evolves, some definitions and concepts became clearer, which calls for the present update. You may compare it with the previous one . Notably age max was replaced with age. In the last experiments it became clear that age max is set by external agents, like observer, or other CA, and not by the CA itself. Initially a CA is isolated and its cells immortal. Only an interaction with external agents make cells mortal. We thus distinguish between two kinds of injuries (perturbations): A somatic, which changes CA structure, and age injury which sets max age.

A CA is specified by the following formula: f[state[j, i], rule[#], age]
state [ j , i]:
j : another CA
i : present
rule [#] :
Is totalistic (k=3, r=1), and its numbering (#) is given in Wolfram's book.
age : Age distribution

f[state[j, 1] = 1, rule[#] = 600, age = 0] Initialization Zygote

f[state[j, i], rule[#], age] =
f[state[j, i - 1], rule[#], age]

  Isolated CA
f[state[j, i]], rule[#], age] =
f[f[state[j - 1, i - 1]], rule[#], age]
CA-2 state sets the state of CA-1
State (somatic) perturbation
Interacting CA
f[state[j, i], rule[#], age] =
f[state[j , i - 1], f[state[j - 1, i - 1]], age]
CA-2 state sets the rule of CA-1 Interacting CA
f[state[j, i], rule[#], age] =
f[state[j, i - 1], rule[#], f[state[j - 1, i - 1]]]
CA-2 state sets the age at death
Age perturbation (max age)
Interacting CA

State: is called also Somatic structure
Age : is called also Age structure
Perturbation: is initiated either by the observer, or by another (interacting) CA

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