Process differentiation control

Differentiation is defined as change in structure which involves two processes: 1. Change of the cell itself, 2. Change of the spatial relationship between cells. The first is manifested by a change in aging velocity. The second  is determined by age max. We start with three CA. CA-1 aging and differentiation are controlled by CA-3. CA-2 controls its aging while its  differentiation is controlled by the observer who sets  max age = 140. CA-3  does not differentiate (max age is infinite)

CA-2 mid cell age increases linearly, and when crossing max age its age = 0 (white), and CA-2 starts differentiating.  CA-1 aging velocity and its max  age are controlled by CA-3. Both rise. Since max age rises more slowly than aging , differentiation is possible.

Process control

The experiment demonstrates the essence of process control. CA-3 controls CA-1 differentiation by manipulating aging velocity and max age.  Aging acceleration and max age deceleration, may independently accelerate differentiation velocity, yet their effect is not the same.  Let's study two CA depicted below.  CA-1 max age = 120 , and CA-2 max age = 140.  From  t = 0 and on  CA-1 ages faster than CA-2, and crosses its age max (=120)  earlier than CA-2 (age max = 140 ). CA-1 differentiates earlier than CA-2

Upon differentiation,  CA-2 cells are older than CA-1. Since biological age is proportional to health. CA-2 cells are healthier than CA-1 cells. In order to make CA-1 cells as healthy as those of CA-2 and let  it  differentiate  earlier than CA-2 ,  aging  has to be generally accelerated and max age raised (to make the example simple, aging velocity was kept constant) .  The interplay of the two factors, determines product quantity and quality.

Both factors continually fluctuate (accelerate and decelerate), like in CA-1. mid cell. If its velocity exceeds max age it will differentiate, otherwise  it will continue accumulating age (health, or product) without differentiating.

zygote -> effect[1, 1000]; go[63]; zygote -> effect[2, 1000]; go[109]; zygote -> effect[3, 1000]; go[109];  restoreparams;  nca=3; toamplify =3.4;   age[[no]] +=  a[[no]];  age[[1]] +=(toamplify  a[[3]]);  effect[1, maxage = age[[3, 50]] + 40]; effect[2.140]; effect[3, 1000];   go[100];

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