Three CA solution 

In the previous experiment a two process proliferon was required to deliver diverse amounts of resources. Nevertheless it always attained a solution (attractor). The present proliferon   consists of three processes (CA). A stem and two transitory processes which interact  and exchange resources. The system will never die and has two outcomes:

1. Irregular oscillations.
2. Solutions (regular oscillations)

The CA changes its structure only when losing resources and  cells die. On the other hand, when accumulating resources it maintains its structure.  In the present experiment CA-2 daily resource production triggers the appearance  of itself and of CA-3.  The set point (s. p.) which triggers resource delivery from CA-2 to CA-3 is >=23 and CA-2 structure remains constant The set point triggering resource delivery from CA-3 to CA-2 declines, CA-3 delivers more and more resources and its structure changes. The experiment is run 23 times. Prior to each run the set point is reduced by one.

As CA-3 delivers more and more resources, its structure changes. At some set points it oscillates irregularly ( 9, and 12 – 14, not depicted). The image depicts only solutions.

- At set points 21 – 23 the proliferon attains its first solution. CA-3 and CA-2 are isolated and their structure does not change.
- At  set points 10 – 11, and 15 – 20, both processes attain the same solution and oscillate synchronously.
- At set points  9, and 12 – 14  CA-3 oscillates irregularly  (not depicted).
- At set points 2 – 8  CA-3 attains a new solution. 


The first solution ( 21 –23 ) is trivial since it is displayed by any non interacting CA.
The second solution ( 5 – 20 ) and the third (10 – 11) are copies of CA-2.
The last solution ( 2 – 8 ) is novel.

We may regard the solutions as healthy states, and irregularities as a disease, which eventually may become chaotic. In order to maintain its health, the proliferon ought to avoid set points which initiate disease.
Here are some implementations:

- Apoptosis: .The stem process kills diseased processes and plants a zygote instead .
- Window of activity: Prevents the set point dropping  below 15.
- Filter: A fourth transitory process remembers unhealthy set points and prevents CA-3 from responding  to their trigger.
- The stem process controls process structure, which will be demonstrated in the next experiment

nca=3; restoreparams[1,1,1]; restoreparams[2,1,1]; restoreparams[3,1,1]; If[sa[[2]] >=23 ,donate[3, 2]]; If[ sa[[3]] > sa[[2]] && sa[[2]] >= k, donate[3, 2]]; {k,, 23, 2, -1}; If[nowdat[[no,8]] <= 2, newzygote[no]];

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