Action  memory of a blastocyst

The newborn has an action memory and lacks an orientation memory which will evolve and  become its  mind. Action memory is inherited. However it is not inherited as such. When the ovum is fertilized the parental and maternal genomes serve as initial conditions from which action memory will develop.  The fertilized ovum,  zygote,  lives as an independent entity  in the oviduct. In other words the zygote is a living entity with resources which will last for a week. It divides several times and becomes a blastocyst which enters the uterine cavity. By now it evolved an action memory which will direct it into the uterine wall where it will spend the next nine months. Without an action memory it will die since its resources last only for a week.

This action memory is stored in the entire blastocyst. If you find it difficult to understand play with my proliferon. You plant two CA-zygotes and  the action memory emerges when the two CA interact. The proliferon action memory will always settle at an attractor.  So where is it stored? The entire proliferon is an action memory. The same applies to the  blastocyst. 

In order to get resources from the uterine wall the blastocyst needs an orientation memory and grows an interface called  placenta which for the coming months will serve as its orientation memory. Since during birth this valuable organ is lost   the baby has to grow a new orientation memory.

While the baby inherits from its parents the initial states for growing an action memory,  it does not inherit   their orientation memories. A renown thinker by the name of Lamarck (1829)  believed that  acquired characteristics gained during an organism's life can be inherited by its offspring. Today he is in disfavor. Biologists despise him even more than intelligent design. Yet his comeback in the form of neo-lamarckism is imminent. As the genome becomes more and more complex Lamarck’s ideas gain in importance.

The memory of a complex system
Action memory
Orientation memory

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