The cell is the atom of life

Homeostasis was coined by the French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813 – 1878). Despite continuous turnover, for short periods of time, our (adult) body does not change its appearance. You may experience homeostasis  by watching a lake. Despite  continuous water inflow and outflow, for short periods of time its surface remains constant.

In a lake homeorhesis (rhesis = flow) might be more appropriate. I apply it also to describe the flow of material and cells in the body. For every cell born one has to die Dead[cell] = Born[cell]

v. Streaming Organism

Since cells beget cells {omnis cellula e cellula)  they inherit their features  as well as their complexity. As cells mature their complexity is affected by outside factors. This additional complexity is not inherited. We may therefore distinguish between the inherited cell complexity, or genotype, and acquired complexity, phenotype.

These concepts were tested experimentally and are therefore valuable.

It seems to me that the concepts which you raised cannot be tested experimentally. Like:
1). The 'randomly varying replicator' is the atomic unit of life.
3). Cellular homeostasis results from a highly dynamic set of interlocking feedback loops where the point of balance fluctuates according to data harvested from the environment.

I agree with you that:
2). Inheritance is not perfect 

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