CA collision

The CA is controlled by the following buttons:
 Makes CA shorter.
Longer: Makes CA longer.
Collide: controls the outcome  of the interaction:
collide== true:  CA-2 moves downward
collide== false: CA-2 moves upward.

Resources= the amount of resources the CA has.
interact = Interaction indicator.

When the experiment starts, two zygotes are planted. When the upper CA-1 matured it turns down toward the lower CA-2 which does not move. When the two meet, (interact == true; collide == false), CA-1 stops moving while CA-2 moves upward and ultimately stops moving. After a while the two zygotes are replanted. After maturing CA-1 moves downward (collide == true). When the two meet  CA-1 stops moving and CA-2 continues downward and ultimately stops moving .whereupon the zygotes are replanted.

By clicking on ‘collide’ you may control the outcome of the interaction.

Please note:
1. CA-1 turns downward only after it has matured. You may check it by clicking on ‘Start’
2. When interacting, CA-1 replaces CA-2 which seeks a new niche.
3. Structure is controlled by the CA.  When the zygotes are planted the lower one (CA-2) matures and acquires the default  structure  typical of a  non-interacting CA. When interacting with CA-1 it is forced to move and acquires a different structure. Both are solutions, or structure attractors. Each CA thus switches between two kinds of attractors. 
4. This kind of collision illustrates what astronomers mean by the colliding of galaxies. Collision does not affect structure, only the overall behavior. It is a trigger which forces the CA to create an appropriate solution.
5. When two elastic balls collide they do not contribute to the outcome and remain passive. On the other hand when two CA collide, they have to be creative and find  appropriate solutions otherwise they die.
6. It is impossible to predict which  CA will create solutions. You have to breed them.