Before reading this chapter please start with chapters:
First Concepts.
WOB is Optimal

WOB controls processes in the body and distributes resources between them. However it has no access to resources  and cannot replenish depleted resources. In need it signals the mind to get the missing resources.  Following excessive exercise the sweating organism loses water and WOB sends the mind a message of thirst as if instructing it: “get me some water.” And so do messages like hunger, craving for salt, sugar etc.

When the mind fails to fulfill these tasks, the organism may die, like in the patient in coma. WOB signals the mind to get resources, yet the mind is switched off (the comatose is mindless). Now the doctor fulfills the mind tasks, and creates a life-line for the missing resources, otherwise the patient will die.

Reversible and irreversible dying

This example illustrates also that withholding resources marks the onset of dying. We shall distinguish between reversible, and irreversible dying. As long as WOB can  sustain life without getting resources, like during prolonged fasting, dying is reversible, otherwise it is irreversible. Like following a myocardial infarction when the heart stops beating and the organism starts dying. First the brain is switched off and the patient sinks in coma. He may still breath, yet the heart fails to distribute the precious  gas. After a while the entire brain stops functioning while other organs continue living. Their metabolism goes on, and their cells continue dividing.  Organs which are less dependent on oxygen, like muscles  live longer than the more sensitive, e.g., kidney.  Gut epithelia continue living for another day. When they die intestinal  microbes spread  into other organs and putrefy them. In the dying organism WOB continues to exist (function) until the last cell has died whereupon it vanishes.

WOB and death do not  coexist

WOB and death are mutually exclusive. WOB sustains life and is unaware of a subsequent death. Any threat to its existence is communicated to it by the mind.  Like when facing a lion. For WOB ‘lion’ is meaningless. Only the mind grasps the threat and instructs it to run.

Additional reading
WOB and the soul

Repent before you die

A healthy individual is unaware of a possible  death. In light of this, the Talmud advises that "everyone should repent the day before he dies." Obviously, since no one knows when his day of death will be, the Talmud is recommending to set aside time every day to ponder one's actions. In fact, Jews recite a prayer three times a day asking God for help in repairing their misdeeds.

One begins contemplating death when WOB sends signals of dis-ease. Particularly in a chronic disease like cancer.  However dis-ease is not a death signal. It is a message to the mind that WOB needs help. For WOB death is meaningless, only the mind may take dis-ease as a death indicator. Why should the mind expect death when its  major role is to assist WOB in sustaining life?  The notion of death is inspired by the society and its culture. This negative role of the mind is illustrated by the following parable by Bertold Brecht.

Culture as mask

Imagine yourself acting in a play in which nobody knows what  mask he wears. How should the actor know whom he is impersonating?  He may infer his role  from the conduct of others who deal with him.  At first his movement impersonates himself and not the mask.  Gradually his posture will change until it conforms to the mask.  This is how he is formed. (Bertold Brecht’s “Aus nichts wird nichts” )

The mask of death

Imagine a cachectic patient who despite his poor condition feels well since WOB is silent  Actually he feels healthy and is healthy. Yet his mask is the mask of cachexia.  To his family the mask is that of an incipient death. After all they know that he is ‘terminally ill’, and are  advised by their physician to tell the patient the truth so that he may prepare himself to die. Yet the patient “impersonates himself and not the mask” turning to the doctor: It can't just be. I'm afraid you're wrong'. . . “Gradually his posture will change until it conforms to the mask” whereupon he dies. He is killed by a mind disease called here mind-death.

Additional reading:
Death denial

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