Before reading this chapter please start with:
First concepts
WOB is optimal


There are several definitions of Instinct.

- Inherited pattern of responses or reactions to certain kinds of situations.
- A propensity prior to experience, and independent of instructions.
- A powerful motivation or impulse.
- In animals instincts generally serve to set in motion mechanisms that evoke an organism to action, like in animal courtship, or social behavior of ants and bees.

The language instinct

The meaning of instinct has been recently broadened to include innate faculties which emerge during child development. Like the language instinct, which according to Steven Pinker is  an innate capacity for language. The growing child applies the language instinct to learn talking.

One wonders,  if language is an instinct, why does it take most infants as long as three years to learn to talk? Why isn't the baby born talking?  First, the baby has to learn how to control muscles involved in talking. Above all it has to grow a mind. The newborn is a pure WOB, without a mind, and talking requires a  mind.

The music instinct

The music instinct belongs to the same category The vast majority of people throughout the world spend a significant part of their lives listening to music. The human brain is designed to connect certain forms of auditory signals with pleasurable sensations. Music  inspires in us feelings of happiness, melancholy, and other emotions. It may even  generate an intense pleasurable experience described  as thrill. All this emerges from our innate faculty to enjoy music.
It takes more than a music instinct to become a fiddler like Isaac Stern or Itzhak Perlman. This virtuosity require an insight which many lack.  However, without our innate faculty to enjoy music, Perlman’s  virtuosity would be meaningless to us.


The Shaman instinct   exploits the faculty of WOB to heal itself.  Although we all carry the faculty of shamanism, not all of us gain the expertise of a shaman. The virtuosity of the shaman requires an insight into the nature of self healing, which he applies to the sufferers. However, without our innate faculty of shamanism we could not benefit from the healing power of the shaman.

Shamanism underlies any medical treatment. The visit to a doctor is instinctively and subconsciously  recast as a visit to a shaman. Whatever the doctor undertakes has a shamanistic connotation. It is manifested by the placebo effect, which is regarded instinctively as a healing shamanistic ritual.

In order to exercise his healing skills, the shaman has first to alter his state of consciousness.  While the shaman may exercise these two faculties at will, most of us have to practice in order to master them.  The word shaman originated among the Siberian Tungus and literally means he who knows. The shaman knows how to communicate with our shaman instinct.

The biological and medical interpretation of shamanism are discussed in:
1. Biological interpretation of Shamanism
2. Medical interpretation of Shamanism

Genuine shamanism

We shall be interested only in messages from one WOB to another, which are medically meaningful. They either induce disease states or  relieve them. Such  messages are called shamanistic.

Shamanism is an inborn faculty of our body like animal behavior. It enables communication between different WOB. It underlies an unconscious  interaction between healer and sufferer (patient), and is not mediated by the mind. Shamanism accompanies humankind ever since it became conscious of itself. Shamans were the first healers, and their heritage guides many healers today. What distinguished a shaman from  other members of his tribe was his capability to alleviate suffering. This kind of shamanism is regarded here as genuine, or primary.

Pagan shamanism

When  shamans started to explain their faculty rationally, they founded the first religion, pagan shamanism, from which other religions later evolved.   Pagan shamanism involves the mind. Shamanistic symbols and metaphors are interpreted by the mind and  transmitted to WOB which then modifies its processes . Many  metaphors are effective yet  some  have adverse effects, and induce mind diseases. Particularly  the notion of evil spirits which cause evil diseases, which have to be purged, and exorcised. A sentence by a modern shaman stating that "people who are not powerful-spiritually are prone to illness, accidents, and bad luck" initiates a  slippery slope which ends in
mind diseases caused by religion.

A genuine shaman acts (!) and does not talk, or explain, suggest or the like.

Inter-WOB signals

Shamanism will be handled also from a different perspective. It serves for for communication between different WOB.

WOB has two meanings. It  is the set of all processes in the body, and  also their controller, hence its name: Wisdom of the Body. We shall be less concerned with how WOB controls processes, since WOB is optimal and we hardly comprehend its wisdom. Rather we intend to  listen to WOB messages, like dis-ease, which indicate  that it needs assistance.  We shall distinguish  between outgoing messages which indicate WOB state, and ingoing messages, which interact with its biophysical processes.

There are four kinds of
ingoing messages:

1. Direct messages  from  the mind, which transmit its will   to WOB.
2. The effect of  the environment.
3. Messages from other minds reaching WOB indirectly (culture).
4. Direct messages from one WOB to another (animal behavior).

Each such message
modifies biophysical processes in WOB. For instance:

1. In order to raise my hand, my mind transmits my will to WOB which then  executes it.
2. When it gets cold, environment induces WOB to shiver.
3. When  one mind hears the other mind saying "I love you!" it  translates this message  and transmits it to WOB, which modifies some of its biophysical  processes.  Generally culture is a set of messages  transmitted from mind to mind,  which initiate process modifications executed by WOB.
4. Animal behavior, like courtship  are messages from one WOB to another, which affect  its processes.

Shamanism includes also phenomena like, spirituality, hypnotism and placebo effect, which are innate and hardwired in WOB

More on Shamanism:

3. Making Placebo respectable.
4. Scientific framework for the placebo effect.
5. Placebo and Cancer.
6. A history of God and disease
7. A shaman who treats cancer .

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