WOB and Mind

The newborn lacks a mind, and is controlled solely by Wisdom of the Body (WOB). Without its mother it would be lost. She protects it, and  supplies it with its needs.  Mother thus acts as interface between WOB and environment.

With time, the growing child learns how to understand its surroundings which is essential for its independence. This new ability is provided by the Mind. A newborn child is mindless, and gradually raises its own mind, whose main faculty is rationality.

WOB lacks rationality, it is irrational. It is like an animal which according to Aristotle also lacks rationality.

The ambiguity of the 'Rational'

The term Rational has two meanings:1. It is a faculty of the mind, and 2. It serves to characterize certain specific beliefs. Rationality serves among other, for discrimination between objects, their categorization and association between their qualities. Since WOB lacks these faculties it is irrational. In this context irrational means that an individual is not endowed with reason. He lacks the faculties of the mind. In the same way as a blind lacks
the faculty of vision.

If an individual violates the customary principles of rationality, he too is regarded as irrational. Generally he is capable for rational thinking, so that he does not lack this faculty of the mind. His irrationality results from ignoring a norm of the society. The subsequent arguments are concerned with the second aspect of the rational, and its negative effect on the WOB.

Science cultivates a special kind of rational inquiry. Anyone who ignores it is irrational. Yet there are other types of inquiries, , which apply non scientific reasoning. They are equally important as that of science.  Like the rational inquiry of metaphysics, of mystical experience, or of the divine. The latter are regarded by scientists as irrational, even dangerous, particularly since obscuring (scientific) rational thinking.


The philosopher Ludwik Fleck realized that concepts like truth or the 'irrational' indicate a particular thinking style by a group of people, or thought-collective. A thought-collective is "a community of persons exchanging ideas or maintaining intellectual interaction". The individuals of a thought-collective share the same thought-style. Truth and falsehood are meaningful only within a specific thought-collective and with respect to a given thought-style and depend on the purpose of investigation. Different views can be equally true (1).

What one thought-collective considers as irrational, may appear to the other as rational.  What is significant that both were derived by the same rational faculty of the mind. It is like when  observing a red color. Some may regard it as dark-red, other, as light red, but both sensations were derived by the same faculty of the eye.


Paranoia is defined as a mental disorder in which the patient is governed by a system of irrational beliefs (delusions). This deceivingly obvious definition was studied in depth by Michel Foucault (2). It serves society to exclude undesirable people and even to lock them up.  These 'irrational beliefs' were derived  by the same rational faculty of the mind which operates in everybody. They appear to us as irrational since we do not understand psychosis.

It is not the mind that went astray as psychiatry claims. Psychosis is a solution (v. the definition of Solution) by WOB to a challenge which still eludes our understanding. The apparent irrationality is part of the solution. It is a rational attempt by the patient to help himself.


The definition of neurosis is somewhat similar, yet unlike psychosis the individual is fully aware of his or her irrational behavior
. Again it is the society which makes him (his mind) aware of his irrational behavior, otherwise he might have lived undisturbed. Like in the case of homosexuality, which was regarded by Freud as an abnormality. He  believed that homosexuals were predisposed to paranoia.

Paranoia results from a conflict between WOB and society 
about the meaning of gender. (v. in depth discussion of Gender) It originates in the repression of 'WOB desire' or 'WOB needs'. Since at the time of Freud WOB demands to find a male partner could not be fulfilled,  WOB had to find an alternative solution and created paranoia.


Freud realized that neurosis originates in the unconscious part of the mind, by the name 'id', which is governed by irrational instinctive drives. These drives are none other than WOB messages to the mind which call for its assistance. These needs cannot be satisfied since society forbids them. Neurosis results from a conflict between WOB and society mediated by the mind. It is a solution to this conflict.

Freud regarded this solution as disease, which has to be resolved by psychoanalysis. The patient experiences again his childhood when the conflict arouse and is urged to solve it with his adult mind. He then realizes his 'irrational' behavior and becomes healthy.  Actually  psychoanalysis does not resolve the conflict. It only drives the patient to a new solution with a better quality of life. Suppose the patient had a phobia which made him miserable. Psychoanalysis endows him with a better life quality, yet the original conflict between WOB and society prevailes. It might even nurture his ongoing creativity.


Jung extended the exploration of the unconscious in the mind. His archetypes are unconscious representations of the norms of society. It is important to realize that Jung's 'unconscious' resides in the mind and not in the WOB
. The newborn baby which is irrational (without a mind) lacks also Jung’s unconscious symbols and metaphors. Some of them it will acquire during its education. Others he may never encounter.

Jung's archetypes reside in the collective unconscious  of the society (culture), where he also discovered them. He believed that archetypes enter our mind by dreams.  Actually archetypes  are not inborn, in the same way as our language is not. They are acquired by the mind through education. Since representing society in our mind they may initiate conflicts between mind and WOB, which are manifested as psychological diseases.

WOB's unconscious

Jung's unconscious differs inherently from the unconscious which marks WOB obscurity. Raise your hand and think of the myriad  unconscious processes which make this possible. These processes are truly unconscious and  cannot be revealed by Freud’s or Jung's methods. Or take the patient in coma, where WOB reigns, undisturbed  by society, or archetypes and the like. WOB has a language with which its workings may be explored.

The unconscious occupied the attention of  humanity  from its very beginning. Some cultures regard it as  an 'Animal' or  a 'Devil', others, regarded it as Divine.

Primordial Sin

For the western religions it all started in the Garden of Eden: "In the middle of the garden He set the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil" (Genesis 2:9 (3)).  Later on, turning to the serpent, Eve said: "God has forbidden us either to eat or to touch the fruit of that; if we do, we shall die"  The serpent said: "Of course you will not die. God knows as soon as you eat it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods knowing both good and evil." (Genesis 3: 3-5 (3)).

Saint Augustine, the father of the concept of primordial sin.  explained what it was all about. Why did Adam and Eve fall? Not simply because they fell prey to concupiscence but because they disobeyed God's commandment. Once Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they lost control of their bodies. They blushed and felt ashamed because they were subject to the lusts of the flesh. Consequently, their children were born with the contagion of sin because of the parents' unseemly desire. Lust came from sin. (4).

From the perspective of our thought-style, the primordial sin describes the conflict between WOB and Mind.  When Adam and Eve were created, each was a pure WOB. Like a newborn, and  Garden of Eden was their protective mother (God was busy maintaining the world). The forbidden fruit endowed them with a mind that ‘knows both good an evil.’  In this fortunate moment,  WOB got its interface with nature, and became  independent. Yet this very independence was regarded by western religions as a threat.


St. Augustine dilemma was how can one reconcile the concupiscence of man with the sacrament of marriage? WOB is  neither concerned  with procreation, nor with the sacrament of marriage. In order to make  WOB procreate, Nature (God) had to create Lust.  If it were not for pleasure, WOB would never seek a partner . WOB lacks any urge to produce offspring. It also is unaware of death, and does not sense its coming.  It knows only to sustain the life of the organism in which it operates. While orgasm is WOB Paradise, it's sequel is procreation.

Realizing this, western religions  made Lust a sin which threatens man and woman during their reunion.  Sinners are punished among other with illnesses, which are cured by saviors.

Gnosis: Insight, or the act of Knowing

Jesus was first of all a healer, who preached how to prevent disease by avoiding sin. Healing was a divine knowledge.  Any attempt to comprehend the divine implied also an understanding of death and disease. During Jesus'  era which started about two centuries earlier, individuals and sects searched for this knowledge. The most conspicuous  was Gnosticism. It asserts that "direct, personal and absolute knowledge of the authentic truths of existence is accessible to human beings," and that the attainment of such knowledge is the supreme achievement of human life (5).

According to Gnostics, the temporally constructed self is not the true self. The true self is the supreme consciousness existing and persisting beyond all space and time. (6) This is where knowledge is to be found. Why search so far? Since the cosmos as we know it  was created by an ignorant semi-god known as the Demiurge (Greek: dêmiourgos, "craftsman"). Since Nature is corrupt, Gnosis reveals itself above it.  This Demiurge is non other than the Creator of the Old Testament.


Gnosticism implies that WOB is part of this corrupt Nature
, and has to be ignored. Obviously the Gnostic insight led to an A-gnosis of Nature, and misunderstanding of WOB. Its wording about the "supreme consciousness" might therefore be rephrased as follows: The WOB that we carry, is a  temporally constructed WOB (self), and not the true WOB (self). The true WOB (self) is the supreme consciousness existing and persisting beyond space and time, which received recently the name Gaia.

Gaia is a theory formulated by James Lovelock  in collaboration with Lynn Margulis (7). It can be defined as :"a complex entity involving the Earth's biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback of cybernetic systems which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet."Gaia maintains homeostasis in the same way as  our WOB does. From the present point of view, Gaia is the WOB of Nature. It is a super-WOB in which our WOB exists. Western religions ignore Gaia and attempt to control WOB.

Freud and Jung: Healers of the primordial sin

Freud and Jung realized that many modern diseases originate in the myth of the primordial sin. They are diseases of the mind. Freud and Jung believed that in order to cure the patient, he has to 'understand' the nature of the conflict. Yet the proper cure for him would be when society realizes the futility of this myth. Abandoning it all together, and let WOB enjoy Lust. Obviously such cannot yet be realized. However, recently the first signs of such a solution became apparent. They are known as Post-modernism.

Cancer-Yogi the modern Overman

When Nietzsche declared that  God is Dead he meant also the primordial sin. Then he introduced his Overman. The Overman is a man who at once detaches himself from his human self while simultaneously affirming himself as the master of his faculties.From the perspective (thought-style) of this site which intends to help patients with cancer, this overman is a Cancer-Yogi.


1. Lowi I. The immunological construction of the self. In: "Organism and the Origins of the Self". Tauber A.I. Ed. Kluwer Academic
Publishers Norwell USA. p 43-71, 1991.
2. Foucault M. Madness and Civilization. A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. Howard R. trans. Random House N.Y 1961.
3. The New English Bible. Oxford Study Edition 1972
4. St. Augustine The City of God
5. Owens LS. An Introduction to Gnosticism and The Nag Hammadi Library.  http://home.online.no/~noetic/nagham/nhlintro.html
6. Moore E. Gnosticism
7. Lovelock J, Margulis L. Gaia

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