WOB as Framework for the Evaluation of Cancer Treatments

Cancer progresses through two phases. An acute phase manifested by a localized tumor, and a chronic phase when tumor  spreads to distant organs (metastasis).  During acute phase cancer is curable, while chronic, or metastatic cancer is generally incurable. Although great progress have been made in treating acute cancers, medicine has little to offer once disease has spread into remote organs.  Its main medication, chemotherapy, generally fails to cure chronic cancers.  As disease advances cancers resist chemotherapy.
Cancer Dormancy

Cancer has also some surprising features which might be exploited during therapy. Even advanced cancers may stop progressing , halt for years without any obvious reason, and then flare up again.  This pause is known as Cancer Dormancy.  Patients feel well as if cured and after a while, when cancer 'wakes up' their condition becomes worse. Cancer dormancy was studied in the beginning of the previous century, and forgotten since. This important phenomenon indicates that many patients succeed  living with cancers peacefully and feel well.  Occasionally chronic cancers  regress without any obvious reason. It is estimated that one in 60,000 patients is cured after medicine has given up hope to help the patient.

Somehow patients manage to resist their disease for prolonged periods of time, which is documented in survival statistics. A statistical measure , the hazard rate, expresses the risk of a patient to die. In all chronic cancers, from the third year after diagnosis and on, cancer hazard continually declines. Close to death,  when reserves were exhausted, hazard rises steeply and  patient dies. The declining hazard indicates that with time patients resist their disease better and better. The longer a patient lives the better his/her chances to survive. This amazing statistic is utterly ignored, since medicine rejects the notion of cancer resistance. Declining hazard is regarded as a statistical bias.

If indeed patients do resist cancer, this resistance might be boosted medically. Since cure is of no avail, patient may still  be helped by prolonging, or deepening cancer dormancy.

In other words, medicine ought  to attempt to prolong cancer remission. Unfortunately medicine  ignores this treatment objective, since rejecting the notion of cancer resistance.

Induction of Cancer Dormancy

When talking to patients with  dormant cancers I learned that many were helped by the so called  'alternative medicine' . I soon realized that some of these methods are very effective for prolonging remission , and should be studied in depth from the medical perspective. But how? The language of  healers is medically incomprehensible, and  their methods cannot be  tested statistically. I decided therefore to create a framework in which 'alternative medicine' may be interpreted medically, and tested statistically. It is called Wisdom of the Body (WOB).

Wisdom of the Body

Our organism is extremely complex. It maintains a delicate equilibrium known as homeostasis, or steady state. How homeostasis is controlled eludes medical understanding. Yet it operates!  Homeostasis forms the essence of our life. When lost , we die.  The control of homeostasis requires a wisdom which is called here metaphorically Wisdom of the Body (WOB). It controls processes in the body as well as cancer, and may put cancer to sleep. Scientifically speaking,  since the performance of our body is so complex, and its secrets cannot be untangled, we ought to be content with  it as it is.  An opaque  box, controlled by WOB, which  may be regarded as an interface between the body and medicine. WOB has a language consisting of ingoing  (input) and outgoing (output) messages. Accordingly we are not concerned how  WOB  puts cancer to sleep, but what kind  of input  induces WOB to put cancer to sleep.

Language of the WOB

In order to study alternative medicine rationally, its treatments have to be 'translated' into messages that are understood by WOB. Each treatment and its message. In this manner the effectiveness of treatments, including medical,  may be compared. Like different ways  to prolong cancer remission. The association between message  and outcome may now be evaluated statistically for the benefit of the patient.

The WOB metaphor is well taken by  patients, who are ready to search for means to put their cancer to sleep. Since medicine ignores such treatment modalities,  the patient has to search for them by himself.  He becomes a new kind of  cancer researcher, who evaluates means that will enable him to live with cancer 'in good health'. He examines intuitively  different messages (treatments) offered by healers, and adopts those which  put his cancer to sleep. In order to emphasize the importance of  this mission, I introduced yet another metaphor, Cancer-Yogi.


The Hindu Yogi learned intuitively how to control unconscious processes in his body, like slowing down his heart rate or lowering his blood pressure.  From the present perspective, he learned how  to communicate his will to WOB which then performs these feats for him.  In the same vein Cancer-Yogi  knows how to communicate  his will to WOB which then puts his cancer to sleep. The first Cancer-Yogi meeting took place on April 1, 2001 in Tel Aviv.

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