Emerging memory

The stem process has two kinds of memory. A hard wired memory of 46 states, and accessory memories emerging in  transient processes. Before generating  accessory memory,  CA-1 enters an asymmetric mitosis , creates a CA-2 stem cell, which inherits all its properties, and grows an undifferentiated memory process. The sate process may modify the emergent process so that  it differentiates. Each memory process has a unique repertoire of functions. In this example the first process generates a frog image. It  feeds a sequential printer with the emerging detail of a frog until the entire image is printed.

The second example above, illustrates a jet assembly line. Each state provides the necessary parts, supplied by other processes. They  a are assembled into a Jet. (Compare with Chapter 9 ).

The emerging bird is accompanied by its emerging song. Each state codes a tune.

Each state, of a poetry process,  generates an abbreviated line of a  post modern poem,  for the enjoyment of traditional AI experts. Its 46 lines ought to remind them that: "everything your programs  can do, I can do better!!"

restoreparams[1,1,1]; restoreparams[2,2,1]; If stateno[[1]]==mm, a[[2]] +=a[[1]]; go[100]

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