Before reading this chapter please start with:
First concepts
WOB is optimal

A simple model and a short narrative offer a  new insight into some chronic diseases like, diabetes mellitus, Parkinson’s disease,. and secondary polycythemia. It is  applied  here to cancer.

A simple model

Tumor (neoplasm) is the hallmark of cancer. It is assumed  here that it produces a substitute for a vital substance (VS)  required by the organism. Tumor size  is driven by a demand for this vital substance (VS) by  organism, and is controlled by WOB.  Tumor size  depends on  birth and death rates of its cells. When  demand for VS  is high, tumor cell birth rate rises, death rate declines, and  tumor grows. When demand declines tumor cell birth rate declines, death rate rises, and tumor shrinks.

We shall discuss first how a  demand for VS drives the tumor.  The role of environment and mind will be discussed later on. Demand for VS is the only drive  for tumor cell  birth.


WOB controls all processes and adjusts them so as to meet the requirements of the organism. WOB responds  also to the mind, which receives signals and directives from society (culture). The adjustment of  processes at any instant is called WOB solution.  It is always the most optimal solution in  circumstances. This is the modern interpretation of Galen’s principle: Nothing is done by Nature in vain.

Tumor growth

This optimality principle underlies also the cancer evolution. At any instance WOB adjusts tumor cell production to the demands of the organism for VS, and is most optimal.   Lack of VS results in cachexia.  

Cancer  proceeds through three phases:

1. Full compensation when tumor cell birth and death rates are high and equal, and tumor is small, and patient feels healthy (WOB does not complain).
2. Decompensation, when tumor cell birth and death rates are high and death rate is lower than birth rate. Tumor seeds metastases and becomes visible. Patient feels sick, and suffers from secondary manifestations due to tumor invasion  into other tissues.
3. Total decompensation: Extensive cachexia.

Rising demand for VS by the organism drives the disease.  VS nature and the causes of its depletion are still unknown, however it is assumed here that   VS deficiency promotes cachexia.

Full compensation

Cancer  starts with rising tumor cell birth and death rates. Initially they are equal and tumor is small (pre-clinical phase). As organism requires more and more VS substitute, tumor starts growing.. Clinical manifestations are interpreted from WOB perspective. In order to diminish demand for VS WOB catabolizes tissues, patient loses weight, and disease enters its second phase. WOB main task is to prevent cachexia, and when it fails tumor grows faster.


VS deficiency continually deepens. In order to raise VS substitute production  tumor seeds metastases. They settle in the connective tissue of organs where they grow without damaging  organ function. Favored sites are retroperitoneum, mediastinum, and bone marrow. As they continue growing occasionally one will damage an organ, and WOB sends to mind a  pain signal, as if saying: "Get help to correct the damage!"

All along disease progression, WOB solution remains the most optimal under circumstances. In order to keep the patient alive it has to nurture metastasis and give up peripheral processes, otherwise patient will die from cachexia. WOB task is to maintain life at all cost. Even cachexia may be regarded as WOB effort to reduce the demand for VS.


WOB solutions do not meet patient's (mind) expectations, who  insists on a better life. Physician has two main responsibilities: To help where WOB failed, and to improve patient's quality of life. All this without interfering too much with WOB solutions. He has to work out a compromise between  WOB and mind demands. Since patient cannot be cured,  the main objective is to slow down disease progression.  The two major threats to the patient are tumor and metastasis.  Any attempt to diminish tumor mass promotes cachexia and endangers the patient.  Physician ought therefore attempt to lower demand for VS.


During sleep  demand for all metabolites as well as VS  is low.  Patient should therefore be encouraged to sleep at least eight hours. He may have to learn how to sleep that long. A meditating  patient may attain a sleep like condition while maintaining his full consciousness.  His muscles relax, heart beats slower, and  so is breathing, and VS  demand declines. Meditation has yet another advantage. Patient learns how to manage his worries and ignore the negative impact  on himself by society and culture. This condition is called mind-cancer. It raises VS demand, and is discussed elsewhere. Meditation introduces the patient to a new life. From now on his  mission is to learn how to slow down cancer progression.


Is risky, yet with some advantages. Body building  may not be advised  since it increases demand for VS. Aerobic exercises may be helpful, since  organism learns how to function efficiently  and utilize less VS.


Obesity utilizes energy and VS. Reducing weight slows down cancer progression. This may seem odd, since  weight loss accompanies cancer and one is inclined  to replenish lost calories.  Let's remember that all cancer manifestation are part of a WOB solution, and so is weight loss.  At any instant WOB adjusts weight in an optimal fashion, and rejects any excess. Indeed efforts to over feed the patient, or apply hyperalimentation, fail.  WOB  handles also  obesity,   however from physician's perspective, weight loss reduces demand for VS and slows down cancer progression.  Any weight reduction diet is a compromise between  WOB and mind demands.

Alternative healers apply many kinds of diet, e.g. Ann Wigmore's, or macrobiotics, which seem  promising, and ought therefore be tested for their capacity to reduce VS demand by the organism. The ultimate test would be whether a diet slows down cancer progression.


Has to be a last resort measure since tumor reduction promotes cachexia. To a lesser extent chemotherapy kills also normal cells and reduces demand for VS. This effect is more pronounced in tamoxifen, which induces  ovarian ablation (castration), hypotrophy of estrogen target organs, and lowers  demand for VS. Although tamoxifen may slow down cancer progression it has undesired side effects, like uterine cancer, which indicates that tamoxifen may promote cachexia.  One might therefore prefer surgical ablation of the ovary instead.

Aggressive chemotherapy is extremely dangerous, and WOB protects itself by making chemotherapy less and less effective, which is known as  resistance to chemotherapy.

Further reading:

Pernicious cachexia
Cancer is a metabolic deficiency

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