Memory spectrum

The CA is controlled by the following buttons:
Start:  CA are planted.
Hide CA-1 Hide CA-2
Out CA-1+: raise output rate Out CA-1-: reduce output rate Out CA-2+: raise output rate Out CA-2-: reduce output rate
Infection: Infect CA-1
Spectrum: Changes CA coloring.
Input rates Output rates.

This experiment is the same as the previous one. Click on Start and then Hide CA-1. Click on Spectrum: The colors of the zero bits forms a spectrum. The structure which consists of bits 1 and 2, slides backwards over the spectrum. All states except the first are memory states, only the first or present state is active. Each spectrum color represents a memory of an event which the CA experienced several time units ago.

Memory is a process

This CA illustrates that our memory is an ongoing process. The first state represents the present and the memory states, the past. As  structure slides from present to   past. it becomes blurred and finally disappears. Previously it was shown that every process generates its own time.  This experiment illustrates that each process has its own present and past. And since time, present and past are relative, future cannot be foreseen. It is meaningless.

The future is implemented in the system whose  WOB (Wisdom of the Body )  knows how to handle any future event. WOB anticipates the future. Throughout evolution organisms learned how to cope with  all kinds of threat, and this knowledge (WOB) was inherited by their progeny.

Since memory fades away it has to be continually refreshed. Further reading  Alzheimers’s disease.

You may now repeat the previous experiment:

Click on Start. Two zygotes are planted and their growth is synchronized. As long as synchronized both CA grow and proliferate, yet when desynchronized, CA-1 will stop advancing to the next state  (=stop its clock) until regaining synchronization.. In order to desynchronize the CA   click on Infection  and if necessary Hide CA-2. CA-1 freezes its clock (stops advancing to the next state)  and waits until its state matches that of CA-2.  Synchronization requires that both states will be followed by the same states.  When cycling through its 46  states, the CA may encounter one state several times. In order that this state be suitable for synchronization, the subsequent states in both CA have to be the same. CA-1 will thus cycle and freeze  until such a state is found.